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Specific Shamanic Healing TechniquesI use many different approaches to healing, depending on the goals of the healing session and the spiritual guidance I receive. The most common techniques I use are listed below. Each has endless variations. Soul RetrievalAs I discuss on the page “Shamanic Healing Work”, when we experience something traumatic or deeply unpleasant we often spiritually check out of the situation. Sometimes we don’t ever come all the way back. This causes a fragmentation of our spirit – part of our spirit splits off and is lost in the spirit world. We even do this semi-intentionally at times. Sometimes we are so uncomfortable with an aspect of ourselves that we intentionally exile that aspect – we cast out a portion of our own spirit. Also, sometimes we give pieces of ourselves away – for example, we may give our lover a piece of our heart. No matter how or why our spirit was fragmented, the result is never healthy. We are happiest, strongest, and most resilient when our spirit is all present with us, whole and complete. During soul retrievals, I journey in the realm of spirit, finding, with the help of my guides, your missing fragments of spirit. My guides and I carefully heal each fragment, clearing from it all imprint of the trauma associated with its leaving. We bring back each spirit piece in a healed state, full of light. I blow the pieces back into your body, and plant the seeds of reintegration. Energy Healing and ExtractionWhen we are in a state of perfect health, our energy body flows with streams and vortexes of light. Our energy enlivens and protects us. However, this is not the way most of us live most of the time. Negative beliefs and negative emotional patterns are associated with murky unhealthy patterns in our energy field. Our energy body can have tangles and blockages where there should be smooth flow. Emotional or physical traumas can leave rips and tears in our energy body. Attacks from others can result in energetic intrusions. The phrase “I got stabbed in the back” can be literally true on an energetic level. During healing sessions, I work with spirits to restore the healthy flow and balance of your energy. We remove intrusions, heal rips and tears, and restore healthy patterns of energetic flow. We clear out negative energies and reweave your energy body with light. Cord Clearing and Relationship UntanglingMany people have relationships which are out of balance in some way. This can cause all sorts of problems in our lives. Out of balance relationships are associated with energy cords between the people involved. These energy cords are often manipulative, draining, or otherwise foster unhealthy emotional and energetic states. Real love is radiant; it does not need cords. Sometimes we have given people in our lives pieces of our spirit. This diminishes us and is of no practical use to the person who received it. (The phrase “I gave him/her my heart” is often far too true.) When working with relationships, I carefully disconnect all unhealthy cords. I return pieces of spirit to the person to whom they belong. I also check out other, less common sources of energetic imbalance and do my best to put those things right again. This work makes it much easier to find a healthy balance in current relationships, or to leave past relationships behind, no longer feeling haunted by people from our past. Destiny RetrievalSometimes we forget why we are here. What was our soul’s purpose when we were born? We feel we have lost our way and need help re-finding our path, our calling. When this is the case, I can do a journey back to the time just before you were born. Right before we are born, we are very clear about our purpose for this life. I get a copy of that purpose, that destiny, and bring it back to you now. Sometimes I get a symbol, sometimes a pattern of light. When I bring it back to you, it strengthens the energetic pattern of your destiny. I am almost never given instructions about what you should be doing with your life. Knowledge of your path has to come from within. Destiny retrieval makes it easier to find your own knowing, your own clarity about your path and your purpose in your life. In the months following a destiny retrieval, people often find things subtly shifting in their lives to make their path clearer and easier to follow. Spirit Releasing or DepossessionWhen people die, sometimes they do not go up to the light, usually because of severe trauma or intense negative emotions at the time of death. This leaves them spiritually present on earth. Because they are used to being in a living body, they often are attracted to the energy of living people, and end up lodging themselves in someone’s energy field. This leads to a situation commonly called “possession”. It is much less creepy than you’d think from watching horror movies, but it is not especially healthy. Though the possessing being usually doesn’t mean any harm, their emotional state often affects the emotional life of the person they are possessing. Because the possessing being was rarely in a very good emotional state when they died, the emotional effects of their presence are generally not pleasant for the person they are possessing. Common symptoms include depression, addictions, inexplicable mood swings, personality shifts, and inexplicable gloom. When I encounter this, I talk to the possessing beings, address their concerns, calm their fears, and convince them to go to the light. I call in angels to open the tunnel of light so the spirits of the dead people can cross over correctly, as they should have done when they died. Once the possessing beings have gone, I clean any remaining energetic residue. Ancestral and Past-Life HealingSome of our more inexplicable emotional patterns do not originate in anything that happened in our own lives. We can inherit unhealthy spiritual patterns either from our families or from our own previous incarnations. There are numerous ways this can manifest spiritually, each of which requires a somewhat different approach to healing. Soul retrievals, energy healing, extraction, relationship untangling, and depossession can all be used in healing ancestral and past-life issues. There are also more complex techniques that are only relevant to ancestral and past life situations. I won’t try to summarize all the possible variations here. Clearing these patterns can make a tremendous difference in our lives. |
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